It’s already legendary on the internet that #mdforlife means fourth year as an MD student is gleeful. Sure, you travel to states across the country (on your own dime) applying to residency training programs. You continue to work your hospital clerkship shifts. And course, you still study and even haunt the medical school hallways on Fridays. But hey, you’ve largely got the whole medical school thing already figured out by fourth year.
So you would think it would be time to cruise, right? Nah, not for Aniket Natekar. He volunteered part of this last year in medical school to offer a prep-class for second-year students studying hard for their mandatory national licensing exam (step 1).
His classes were inspired by a faculty member who mentioned that there used to be such student-led sessions at the medical school in the past.
In this video interview, we hear from soon-to-be Dr. Aniket Natekar about why he decided to take up the teaching role and what he hoped to accomplish.
By the way, the students who attended his sessions gave him high marks! Read the comments of Christina Wu, MD Class of 2018, below.