Channel: John A. Burns School of Medicine
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Call for Abstracts for Ola HAWAIʻI (Deadline Nov 5, 2018 at 5:00pm)

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Ola HAWAIʻI, Team-Science Pilot Projects Program is pleased to announce an opportunity for investigators to apply for pilot funds. Ola HAWAIʻI (Health And Wellness Achieved by Impacting Inequalities) will be responsible to grow and support a community of health disparities scholars to determine the causes of and interventions for health disparities in the Pacific.

RESEARCH SCOPE: Proposals that focus on the science of health disparities among Native Hawaiians, Pacific islanders, Filipino, and/or other populations in Hawaii will be considered highly responsive to this call for abstracts. In addition, abstracts which involve basic, clinical and/or biobehavioral methods and leverage robust transdisciplinary partnerships and linkages between basic science, clinical and behavioral medicine and/or community engagement, leading to adoption of best practices, are highly encouraged. Ola HAWAIʻI is indeed open to the full spectrum of life science research. That is, proposals involving fundamental research seeking new knowledge about basic molecular mechanisms, using newly developed tools or repurposing existing tools, will also be given full consideration.

Key Dates:
INFORMATIVE WEBINAR: October 8, 2018 10am – 11am via Zoom (Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/762845669)
ABSTRACT DUE DATE: November 5, 2018
Link to apply: https://redcap.jabsom.hawaii.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=JYEHAENMT4

Additional Information:
RESEARCH SCOPE: Proposals that focus on the science of health disparities among Native Hawaiians, Pacific islanders, Filipino, and/or other populations in Hawaii will be considered highly responsive to this call for abstracts. In addition, abstracts which involve basic, clinical and/or biobehavioral methods and leverage robust transdisciplinary partnerships and linkages between basic science, clinical and behavioral medicine and/or community engagement, leading to adoption of best practices, are highly encouraged. Ola HAWAIʻI is indeed open to the full spectrum of life science research. That is, proposals involving fundamental research seeking new knowledge about basic molecular mechanisms, using newly developed tools or repurposing existing tools, will also be given full consideration.

Eligibility: Any faculty member of the University of Hawaii System holding a doctoral degree (e.g., M.D., Ph.D., Pharm.D., Dr.P.H., D.S.W., Ed.D., Sc.D., etc.) and possessing the skills, knowledge and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research, is invited to submit an abstract, provided they are not excluded by the ineligibility criteria described below. A faculty member may submit only one abstract, as Principal Investigator. New investigators (i.e. have not been a PI/PD of an NIH independent research award) and early-stage investigators (within 10 years of terminal degree or end of post graduate clinical training), associate professors who have not had pilot funds during the last three years, and individuals from under-represented racial and ethnic groups and marginalized groups, such as sexual and gender minorities, as well as individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Priority for funding will be given to:

  • New and early-stage investigators (particularly those who have never received any prior JABSOM pilot funds).
  • Underrepresented minority investigators focusing on behavioral, clinical and/or basic science studies addressing health disparities related research.
  • Investigators conducting community-engaged research among Native Hawaiians, other Pacific Islanders and Filipinos.
  • Multiple Principal Investigator collaborations are also encouraged.

    Ineligibility: Individuals who currently serve as the principal investigator of an active NIH R01, R35, R37, R56, P01, P20, P30, P50, P60, U01, U19, U54, DP1, DP2 (or similar) and/or K99/R00 grants are ineligible to apply. Similarly, those with R01-equivalent awards from the National Science Foundation, Department of Defense and national societies and foundations, such as the American Heart Association, are ineligible, as are graduate students and full professors. Also ineligible are individuals who have received JABSOM pilot funding within the past three years. However, these individuals may serve as a co-investigator (but not multiple PI), or as mentor for the applicant.

    Collaborator(s): All applicants must designate at least one collaborator, co-investigator or other principal investigator(s). Collaborators may be non-UH System faculty. The proposed research must involve a transdisciplinary team of investigators or collaborators comprising clinician scientists (e.g., physician, psychologist, social worker, nurse, etc.), basic scientists from disparate disciplines, and/or community partners. Additional collaborators may be included from the lay community.

    Available Support: Applicants may request an annual budget with direct costs between $25,000 –
    $50,000/year for one year with no indirect costs. Applicants invited to submit a full application will need to submit a detailed budget and budget justification at that time. Leveraging funds from other grants or institutional funds to support the research project is to be encouraged.

    Mentor(s): For applicants holding the academic rank of Assistant Professor or equivalent or lower rank, an additional requirement is the designation of one or more mid-level or senior-level faculty members who will serve as mentors.

    SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Your submission must include the following sections: Note: To complete the cover page, abstract and biosketch, please use the following link. https://redcap.jabsom.hawaii.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=JYEHAENMT4

    1. Cover Page (1 page) Include project title, names of principal investigator(s) and collaborator(s), college/school.
    2. Abstract (1 page) Include brief statements about research question, objective, specific aims, central hypothesis, significance, innovation, experimental approach, core services and/or instrumentation needs, and relevance to Ola HAWAIʻI mission.
    3. NIH Biographical Sketch (5-page limit): The Personal Statement Section of the NIH Biosketch should briefly describe your academic and/or non-academic qualifications, background and life experiences, include your interest in research, your research career goals, and how this program will advance your goals. Include biographical sketches for Multiple PI(s), Collaborator(s), and Primary Mentor.
    4. Letter of Support from Dean/Director and/or Chair (1-2 pages) Letters should also include overall assessment of applicants’ academic and research qualifications, their potential for success in research, and their value to the research and academic priorities of the respective Department or Unit.

    Pilot Project funding opportunities are offered annually, and within our limited budget of funding. Unfortunately, Ola HAWAIʻI lacks the resources to fund many worthy projects. Hence, only faculty members submitting abstracts deemed most responsive to this funding announcement will be invited to submit full applications. Nevertheless, applicants who submit abstracts and proposals that are not selected for funding are encouraged to seek assistance from Ola HAWAIʻI to properly respond to reviewer critiques prior to resubmission, and/or redirect the pilot grant to other funding agencies.

    Notification of request to submit a full application will be sent no later than November 15, 2018. Detailed instructions for the full application will accompany the letter of invitation.

    We encourage inquiries concerning this funding announcement. Interested applicants may contact: Marla J. Berry , PhD Director, Investigator Development Core Ola HAWAIʻI John A. Burns School of Medicine University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

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