Pictured, Scientists, husband and wife Mukesh and Komal. Deborah Manog photo.
They both grew up in Punjab, a Northern section of India. Both showed a stunning aptitude for science. But it wasn’t until they were adults, each working on their PhDs at a medical school 11,873 kilometers (7377.5 miles) away that Komal Arora and Mukesh Kumar met one another.
In 2008, while traveling in groups between classes held on the campuses of the University of Hawaiʻi (UH) John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) in Kakaʻako and at UH Mānoa, they started to get to know one another. Eventually they met for lunch in JABSOM’s cafeteria. In 2012 they were married in India. In 2013, they each were awarded their PhDs at the UH Mānoa Commencement Exercises.