Pictured: JABSOM Team Shaven Things takes part in the St. Bladrick’s Foundation “Shave Off” on April 22, 2018 at Dave & Busters.
By Tina Shelton , JABSOM Communications Director
The newest St. Baldrick’s Foundation Fellow in Hawaiʻi gave up a full head of hair this past weekend, part of a national Shave-Off to raise funds for childhood cancer research. University of Hawaiʻi – Mānoa (UHM) student Mark Brisco didn’t have to undergo the severe haircut on his own, though. Also joining him on the fundraising team “Shaven Things” were Scott Bowler of the Hawaiʻi Center for AIDS and Dr. Bruce Shiramizu. Shiramizu, a Pediatrician and researcher at the Hawaiʻi Center for AIDS, will be Brisco’s mentor at the John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) this summer, as Brisco, using the St. Baldrick’s fellowship grant, works to devise a better way to diagnose cancer in children.
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An aspiring medical student, Brisco said his research will center on cancer cell recognition inside the human body, where he hopes to discover that elusive better technique for recognizing and diagnosing cancer in children. It is important research, because while many adult cancers can be diagnosed early, in 80% of kids, cancer has already spread to other areas of the body by the time it gets diagnosed (St. Baldrick’s Foundation data.)