The human rollercoaster took the top group prize at Halloween Extravaganza 2015 at the John A. Burns School of Medicine.
What a show it was, from several singing and dance numbers, to a mixed movie-and-live production of Star Wars (the Office of Medical Education, naturally, with Dr. Damon Sakai as Darth Vader), to the totally unforgettable “Richard Simmons” skit by the Native Hawaiian Center of Excellence and ʻImi Hoʻōla team.
If you can’t view our embedded slideshow, click HERE to watch it directly from UH Med Flickr.
There were Disney moments, too, as the second and first year medical students carried on one of the schoolʻs most lively annual events. The students, as always, put a lot of thought into their costumes, because many of them — through our Homeless Outreach and Medical Education (HOME) Project — are entertaining keiki at homless shelters during this Halloween season. HOME hosts carnivals for the children, since they can’t safely go trick-or-treating like kids who live in regular neighborhoods.
Happy Halloween!